Firewood bulk bags & Firewood bulk bag stands

Here at Kellfri you can find one of the best ranges of firewood bulk bags and firewood bulk bag stands on the market. You don't need to make a big investment to simplify how you handle firewood. We offer high-quality firewood bulk bags and stands at really attractive prices. We have disposable and reusable bags. The range includes 40-litre, 1 m³ and 1.5m³ firewood bulk bags. So you can be sure of finding a suitable option in our range, whatever bag size you need.

The bags are made of a UV-resistant material, which prolongs their service life. Our bag stands are suitable for EU and Hydro pallets, and are galvanised for the best possible weather protection and a long service life.

With a good bag stand, it's easier to keep the bag's shape and measure the correct volume in your firewood bulk bags. It also makes it easier to fill the bags and to transport a number of bags at the same time, in a safer and more space-efficient way. If you're used to working without a stand, and with poorer-quality bags, we think you'll be surprised what a big difference these products can actually make.

The firewood bulk bags and firewood bulk bag stands we offer are based on solid product development, and designed to make your work easier. The slightly larger bags are made in a way that helps the firewood to dry, and are easy to open at both top and bottom.

If you want to optimise your use of firewood, good firewood bulk bags play an important role. We have the right products, whether you just want to use a small quantity of timber or regularly handle large quantities, perhaps to sell to private individuals or because firewood is an important part of your heating system. Naturally, we give you a discount on orders for larger quantities of bags.

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5 products
  • {"id":"b-13-VS402-50","name":"Firewood bulk bag 40 l, 50 pcs","category":"Forest & Firewood/Firewood & chips/Firewood bulk bags & Firewood bulk bag stands","price":"10"}
  • {"id":"b-13-VS602-50","name":"Firewood bulk bag 60 l, 50 pcs","category":"Forest & Firewood/Firewood & chips/Firewood bulk bags & Firewood bulk bag stands","price":"16"}
  • {"id":"b-13-VS1000","name":"Firewood bulk bag 1,000 l","category":"Forest & Firewood/Firewood & chips/Firewood bulk bags & Firewood bulk bag stands","price":"10"}
  • {"id":"b-13-VS1500","name":"Firewood bulk bag 1,500 l","category":"Forest & Firewood/Firewood & chips/Firewood bulk bags & Firewood bulk bag stands","price":"10"}
  • {"id":"b-13-VS1500DS","name":"Firewood bulk bag 1,500 l, openable bottom","category":"Forest & Firewood/Firewood & chips/Firewood bulk bags & Firewood bulk bag stands","price":"20"}